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Weekend Wake Up

Vinyasa Yoga.png

Saturdays, 8:00am - 9:00am

Burridge Village Hall

Do you ever feel like you finish your week on a sluggish note? I used to work a 9-5 job, 5 days a week before having my girls, and felt like I would finish the week burnt out and exhausted. I didn't feel like I had a lot of energy for the weekend. And the weekend was my time for me. I felt like I would give and give and give throughout the week, to then feel like I needed those two days to rest ready to go again on the Monday. It's a vicious cycle you get yourself into sometimes. How are you meant to find the energy for yourself, when you need to save that energy for your work the following week?

Yoga, yoga, yoga! Yoga is magic, people. The beautiful thing about Yoga is it can be the roots for you to find your balance. A wonderful way to practice Yoga is coming along to a weekly class, and setting your intentions for the week. My offering of a Weekend Wake Up class is to give you that energy boost for your weekend, so you feel refreshed from your week and taking back the weekend for YOU. We'll set our intentions for the week ahead to change our mindsets so we aren't always feeling like Mondays are something to dread. Set that alarm, grab your mat and come and join me on the mat as we refresh our minds, move our bodies and feel GOOD for our weekend and week ahead. Life is too short not to!

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